Bethlehem Baptist Church - 4 June 2023
Church at Home - 4 June 2023
The righteousness of God and our justification is through faith, but religion is not the kind of faith God wants. The faith we are justified through is not based on any kind of works. This is the one key element distinguishing the true Gospel from every other religion and cult in the world. A works-based faith quickly turns into a competition of who is better than who in following a set of rules and this was the case under Old Testament Law until Jesus came and fulfilled it.
Up Next in Church at Home - 4 June 2023
Word For You - Acts 12
Church Unlimited - 4 June 2023
If you don’t know where you’re going, any old map will get you there. But if you want to get somewhere you better have a specific road map. Then you need to carefully follow its directions. The Bible is our specific road map.
LIFE - 4 June 2023
Join us for a special Pentecost Sunday with Ps Dave Ware (Hillsong Church) leading us in worship and Ps Luke de Jong sharing an encouraging message around how we can be expectant to encounter the Holy Spirit.