On Mic

On Mic

New show from Shine TV airing every Tuesday & Thursday at 7pm. Landing here is a selection of our latest conversations from the Rhema and Star radio studios. Talking to people across New Zealand and beyond, who have made waves as musicians, maybe political leaders, artists, you name it. "On Mic" hopes to bring you these interviews so you don't miss on their stories.

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On Mic
  • A Church Response to Housing Crisis: The Anglican Diocese on Building Rentals

    The Anglican Diocese in Lower Hutt, Taita, acknowledges the significant housing crisis facing the country. While they can't solve the entire issue, they are committed to addressing the housing needs within their community. Maria Kirkland, co-missioner at St Matthew's Anglican in Taita, joins Lizz...

  • Sherryn Tai Discusses Upcoming World Vision Trip to Uganda

    In just a few weeks, LifeFm's Sherryn Tai will be embarking on a trip to Uganda with World Vision, aiming to sponsor 100 children in one of the country's most impoverished regions. She joins Lizzie Oakes in the studio to share more details.

  • Sexual Abuse Within Church: What Now? Royal Commission Testimony Panel

    TW: Conversations around sexual abuse.

    A Royal Commission of Inquiry is investigating child sex abuse in both state and faith-based care. Rhema Days hosts a panel featuring Frances Tagaloa, Jim Goodwin, and Rupene Amato, who share their personal experiences and have submitted their stories to th...

  • Aligning Our Hearts with God's Will: Chris Dawson Discusses James Chapter 4

    Often, we have numerous desires and must ask ourselves whether these desires align with God's will. Chris Dawson from the River Church in Pukekohe visits Rhema Breakfast to discuss James chapter 4 and how we can realign our hearts so that our desires lead us to good places.

  • What Makes Kiwis Kiwi? Maxim Institute on What Defines a New Zealander

    What defines a New Zealander? Is it being born here, or choosing to make New Zealand home? Jason Heale from Maxim Institute joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss what truly embodies the essence of being Kiwi.

  • Discontentment vs Gratitude: Wynand Jacobs Offers Marriage Advice

    Wynand Jacobs from FamilyLife continues to use the bricks and hammers analogy for a healthy marriage, emphasizing that the destructive hammer to avoid is discontentment and entitlement, while the building brick to embrace is gratitude. He joins Andrew Urquhart on Rhema Days to paint the picture.

  • Are Kiwis Too Casual, Relaxed, and Informal? John Cowan Talks Ceremonies

    Formality and ceremonies are integral to every culture, but how can we, as 21st-century New Zealanders, truly incorporate them into our lives? How do we mark our special occasions? John Cowan joins Andrew Urquhart for another weekly conversation, this time discussing the importance of taking thin...

  • A Wonderful Phenomenon of World Christianity: Rebecca de Jong on Global Growth

    The global body of Christ is experiencing significant growth, with thousands of people coming to Christ. This rapid expansion has led to challenges such as a shortage of church buildings, an insufficient number of trained pastors, and an inability to print Bibles quickly enough. Rebecca De Jong f...

  • Trump Assassination Attempt: John Peachey on What This Says About Society

    The Trump assassination attempt sounds more like a movie plot than reality, but as they say, truth is stranger than fiction. John Peachey from The Think Farm joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss what this incident reveals about our society and the potential impact it may have on the upcoming US presi...

  • What Do Employers Look For When Screening Your CV? Job Tips From Tom O'Neil

    With potentially 100+ CVs to screen for a vacant position this morning, what are recruiters looking for in the first ‘skim read’ of the CVs and how can I stand out? Tom O'Neil from cv.co.nz joins Andrew Urquhart on the show for another conversation on how you can secure that future role.

  • Otago's Blue and Gold Standard for Free Speech: Jonathan Ayling on Universities

    Concerns about free speech at several universities in New Zealand reflect a broader global trend of modern universities beginning to lack robust discussion and diverse ideas. However, it's not all bleak. Jonathan Ayling, CEO of The Free Speech Union, joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss the gold stan...

  • Generations Helping Generations: Craig Heilmann on the Housing Crisis

    Rhema Day's Australian correspondent, Craig Heilmann, joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss his insights on the housing crisis in Australia and New Zealand, along with other current Australian headlines.

  • Church Growth Within Migrant Communities: Christian Savings Offers Help

    There is significant growth among migrant and ethnic communities in New Zealand who wish to start and plant churches within their languages and cultures. Andy Milne, a senior lender from Christian Savings, talks with Andrew Urquhart about how Christian Savings supports these efforts.

  • Growth of Christianity Around the World: Dr Gina Zurlo Shares Her Research

    Dr Gina Zurlo, a Christianity specialist and scholar in residence at Harvard Divinity School, has been recognized as one of the BBC's 100 most influential and inspiring women for her work in religious statistics. Currently, in New Zealand, she will be speaking tomorrow at a Missions Interlink Mas...

  • Big Concern Over Govt Actions on Housing Crisis: Salvation Army on Kāinga Ora

    The government has introduced new policies to address the housing crisis, but some of these changes are impacting Kāinga Ora's work. Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Hutson from the Salvation Army shares his concerns with Rhema Days.

  • Evangelism: Easier Said Than Done? Dr Stuart Lange Shares How to Do It

    Mark 16:15 recounts Jesus instructing his disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." In practice, however, some people excel at evangelism more than others, and some of us don't engage in it at all. Reverend Dr Stuart Lange from the New Zealand Christian Network j...

  • Modern Grandparenting: John Cowan on Caring Without Being Crushed

    John Cowan joins Andrew Urquhart for his weekly conversation, this time discussing being a grandparent in the modern age, and the idea of helping your kids enjoy their kids.

  • Populism: Josiah Brown from Maxim Institute Talks Democracy's Stress Test

    Being called a “Populist” is not usually a compliment. Maxim Insitute
    Communications Coordinator Josiah Brown joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss the term and why New Zealand First leader Winston Peters wears the label proudly.

  • After the Interview: Tom O’Neil on What We Can Do Post-Interview

    We can improve our chances of getting the job, even after the interview is over.  What can we do to make sure we look professional and retain any learning for the next interview? Tom O’Neil from cv.co.nz explores some ways with Andrew Urquhart.

  • Academic Freedom Eroded in our Universities: Jonathan Ayling, Free Speech Union

    A famous propagandist once said, "Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty." Today, our would-be censors follow this tactic closely. Jonathan Ayling, CEO of the Free Speech Union, discusses the concerning rise of censorship on university campuses.

  • More Than Music Mentor: Grant Norsworthy Engages Church Congregations in Worship

    Grammy-nominated professional musician Grant Norsworthy, known for his work in Christian contemporary music, now resides in New Zealand where he serves as a music mentor, assisting churches nationwide. He joins Lizzie Oakes on Star Days to delve deeper into his role.

    Visit More Than Music Mento...

  • Change of Leadership Changes Culture: John Peachey Talks All Blacks, Govt & More

    John Peachey from The Think Farm joins Andrew Urquhart to discuss the UK and French election results and the All Blacks game over the weekend. He shares his insights on how a change of leadership can impact the culture of organizations and nations.

    For more information visit: TheThinkFarm.Org

  • For the City: Dale Campbell's New Podcast Describes Visions of Peace

    Introducing a brand new podcast, "For The City," produced in partnership by Rhema Media and Auckland Church Network. This podcast features theologian and former pastor Dale Campbell, who interviews various fascinating individuals about their visions of peace for the city. He joins Lizzie Oakes in...

  • Why Did God Cast Satan to His Perfect Earth? Geoff Macpherson Answers Questions

    Jesus said he saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven. (Luke 10;18). Why did God allow Satan to fall onto the perfect earth he had created? Why not cast him out into an empty part of the Universe and then a plan of redemption would not be needed? Rhema Breakfast gives Geoff Macpherson from Grac...